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50 jaar Radio Veronica (15 CD-Box)

Blokker overzicht

Aanbieding is geldig van 05/04/2014 00:15 tot 06/04/2014 00:15
Prijs: €34.95 (van: €49.99, voordeel korting: 31%)

Blokker - 50 jaar Radio Veronica (15 CD-Box)
De schitterende verzamelbox bevat CD's van the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's en the 00's, in totaal 15 CD's.Plus per decennium een fraai 8 pagina boekje met achtergrond-informatie over 50 Jaar Radio Veronica.The 00's met o.a.COLDPLAY- ClocksLADY GAGA - Poker FaceTHE BLACK EYED PEAS - I Gotta FeelingKANE - Rain Down On MeJOHN MAYER - Waiting On The World To ChangeMAROON 5 - This LoveMILOW- Ayo TechnologyRACOON - Love You MoreSHAKIRA - Whenever WheneverSIMPLY RED - SunriseTHE KILLERS - HumanKREZIP - I Would StayTRAIN - Drops Of JupiterThe 90's met o.a.U2- Everlasting LoveANOUK- Nobody's WifeWET WET WET- Love Is All AroundILSE DE LANGE - I'm Not So ToughACDA EN DE MUNNIK - Niet Of Nooit GeweestSEAL - CrazyYOUSSOU N'DOUR & NENEH CHERRY7 - Seconds4 NON BLONDES - What's UpDES'REE - LifeLIVE - The Dolphins CrySINEAD O'CONNOR - Nothing Compares 2 UTEN SHARP - You2 UNLIMITED - No LimitThe 80's met o.a.QUEEN - Radio Ga GaDIRE STRAITS - Money For NothingPRINCE- Purple RainU2- Pride (In The Name Of Love)MICHAEL JACKSON -  Billie JeanDAVID BOWIE & MICK JAGGER - Dancing In The StreetELTON JOHN -  I'm Still StandingDOE MAAR - De BomEUROPE - The Final CountdownGOLDEN EARRING - When The Lady SmilesA-HA - Take On MePAUL YOUNG - Come Back And StayULTRAVOX - ViennaThe 70's met o.a.GOLDEN EARRING - Radar LoveMEAT LOAF- Paradise By The Dashboard LightTHE POINTER SISTERS -FireTOM JONES - She's a LadySANTANA- She's Not ThereJOHN MILES - Music (Reprise)CHEAP TRICK - I Want You To Want Me10CC - Dreadlock HolidayALBERT HAMMOND -The Free Electric BandBLONDIE - DenisELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA  - Mr. Blue SkyKISS - I Was Made For Lovin' You THE TEMPTATIONS - Papa Was A Rolling Stone  The 60's met o.a.ELVIS PRESLEY - Suspicious MindsBARRY RYAN - EloiseIKE & TINA TURNER - River Deep Mountain HighDAVID BOWIE - Space OdditySIMON & GARFUNKEL - The BoxerTHE WHO - Pinball WizzardBOB DYLAN - Subterranean Homesick BluesJAMES BROWNI Feel GoodLOVIN' SPOONFULSummer In The CityMANFRED MANNHa ha said the clownTHE ANIMALSHouse of the Rising SunZENHairTHE KINKSDedicated follower of fashion

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